Psychometric Assessment

We hold an extensive portfolio of measures representing our own testing house established measures (15-20 year data basis) and well known and trusted instruments for a range of aptitude, personality measures and approach inventories.   We have used these measures across a wide span of roles ranging from product builder/ operator/ process technician to professional groupings, graduates, apprentices, as well as leadership roles at the most senior levels.

Where required we build bespoke measures through a scientifically sound process which provides an organisational secure performance measure where needed over a commercially available measure.

Please contact us to learn more about the specific psychometric products and services we hold.


Assessment Centres / Development Centres

We run a very successful assessment centre/ development centre model to support decision - making at recruitment and selection, promotion and development stages.  All Assessment centres are tailored to specific client needs and include a range of psychometric measures, team group discussion exercises as well as live simulations or role plays.  We work with a team of professional role-playing actors to enable a ‘true to life’ scenario build where required.  This is particularly effective in application at leadership levels.


Contact us

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.